Keep Your FRIENDS Closer

Years ago, I found out that you need to keep your friends closer. Let me explain my philosophy about keeping friends close and enemies closer. In business, I understand this statement. In real life, it doesn't work out quite that way.

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I am Not Okay

I am sure many of you have heard of Jelly Roll. I'll have to admit the words to this song, I can relate to. There are many days, I go by as if everything is perfect, well at least normal for me. The sad truth is, like in Jelly Roll's song, I've learned to hide it well.

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Too many of us underestimate the power of being emphatic. We many times feel that empathy is a sign of weakness, that it makes us vulnerable to the outside world. The truth is actually quite the opposite.

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The Diamond in the Rough

A diamond in the rough, is a characteristic of a person that lacks skills but might be motivated to being something far greater then what they think. The movie Aladdin was about a street rat, that changed his life around when he discovered the lamp.

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BEAUTY comes from the inside

"is a phrase that refers to the idea that true beauty is a reflection of a person's inner qualities, rather than their physical appearance. Inner beauty is a combination of qualities like kindness, generosity, patience, and self-confidence. It's often discovered in the qualities that people love and respect about others, and it can take time to be fully appreciated." ~ quoted from Google AI

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Who CAN You Inspire?

Today, I want to challenge you to inspire someone. Whether it's your postman, door-dash deliverer, waitress, or your child. Attempt to engage someone today, Ask them about their day, then progress to their dream(s).

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Fighting the System (part 2)

"One way to change a system is to measure what matters, in addition to what is already being measured. Organizations often rely on predictable metrics, but sometimes they measure the wrong things. By highlighting what really matters, the "right stuff" may become the new rule." ~ Google AI search results

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Fighting the System

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. I believe it is a way of testing our resolve.  Sometimes we ignore it, believing we can't change what happened. Sometimes we retaliate, others we accept it and we abide by the rules.

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My Rubber Ducky

This post is for parents to help communicate with their children who may have suffered or are suffering from sexual abuse.

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