Fighting the System

Published on 5 November 2024 at 10:26

Fighting the System

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. I believe it is a way of testing our resolve.  Sometimes we ignore it, believing we can't change what happened. Sometimes we retaliate, others we accept it and we abide by the rules.

In some cases, we are hurt emotionally, and are not sure of what kind of recourse we can take, if any. 

Let's approach an hypothetical situation. Most of us have heard of AI (Artificial Intelligence), right now in it's infancy it is regarded as a powerful tool assisting us in getting the best results possible. Which right now is a good thing. 

We are going to fast forward 10 years from now where AI is a natural part of our routine. Most of us are familiar with the movie "Terminator", which is completely fictitious. Yet a slight possibility we could be heading that direction.

Maybe not that extreme, but let's consider what our lives would be like if we allowed AI into our justice system.

We all know life isn't black and white. Let me give you an example assuming AI was a more active part in our judicial system.

A man is driving home from work it is night time and a deer comes out of nowhere.  He swerves but still hits the deer, he assumed it limped away so he continued driving home.

Later that same night a bicycler is on the road and a car approaches sees the deer and it swerves and hit the bicycler causing immediate detrimental harm. The AI police are called and the female driver that hit the bicycler to miss the deer is locked up for involuntary vehicular manslaughter...(remember this is all fake, but 10 years from now with AI this might be a possibility).

Let's go a step further, the man on the bike was the girl's ex-boyfriend who used to beat her and do bad things to her. Even though this was a complete accident. The AI took everything into consideration and the girl was locked up for 15 years, because AI did it's job without prejudice.

This whole story is made up, but with the advances of AI, and how we adopt it as a tool.  It may cause more harm then good. Some of you are thinking well the guy deserved it...but did she deserve to have a permanent record for an accident?

Currently, "the 27 amendments to the United States Constitution protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, and define the relationship between the federal government, states, and people:" ~ which is quoted by Google AI search results.

I am not saying we should BAN AI, just that we need to be careful on it's implications into our system.  Currently AI is helping us solve problems...(but what if we ARE the problem?)

To be honest, who knows what tomorrow may bring, but keep in mind our actions or in-actions will still have an impact in our world.

Tell me what you think?





PS  I highly recommend knowing your rights, I have been researching quite a bit and continue learning how to apply the rules to benefit our cause. (Humanity)


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